Podajnik prostownicy 3 w 1 Decoiler

Cut to length line is a machine used in the metalworking industry that cuts metal sheets or coils into custom-length pieces. The line typically consists of several integrated components, including a decoiler to unwind the coil, a straightener to flatten and remove any curl or distortion, a shear or cutting device to trim the metal to the desired length, and a stacking or packaging system to collect the finished pieces.

Haiwei cut to length lines are highly automated and efficient, with the ability to process metal sheets or coils at high speeds and with high precision. These cut to length lines are equipped with various sensors, actuators, and control systems that help ensure accurate cutting and sizing of the metal pieces. They can be used to process a wide range of materials, including steel, aluminum, copper, and other metals, and are available in various configurations and capacities to meet specific production requirements.

Kategorii produktów

  • Produktów
    • Maszyna do cięcia laserowego z cewką
    • Podajnik prostownicy 3 w 1 Decoiler
    • Linia cięcia na długość
    • Prostownica Decoiler 2 w 1
    • Rozwijarka do blachy
    • Prostownica cewki
    • Prasa Podajnik
    • Automatyzacja prasy do tłoczenia
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